In 1961, the year during which the manufacturing of Borgward vehicles in Bremen was discontinued, a small group of enthusiasts in Cape Town decided to form a club in order to create friendship amongst the many owners and to ensure the preservation of all Borgward, Goliath and Lioyd cars.
The inauguration meeting was held at the residence of Mr. Danie de Villiers on the 2nd of June 1961. The others were Mr. Bertie van der Sandt, Mr. Gerbeau Kotze and Mr. Jannie de Villiers. At the first Annual General Meeting, Gerbeau Kotze was elected as chairman, Danie de Villiers as secretary and Bertie van der Sandt as captain. A constitution which differs very little from the current one, was drawn up at this meeting.
Pamphlets were mainly used to recruit members and the reaction exceeded expectations.
Monthly and weekend outings were very popular and convoys of up to 30 cars were not unusual.
Newsletters were originally written by hand and copied. The club’s first typewriter was an antique Remington donated by Mr. Kosie Smit.
A Rex Rotary duplicator was bought by the club.
Rallys were organized from time to time with great success and to obtain funds, curry evenings, film shows, dances and raffles were held.
A special dance and Christmas function was arranged annually in the recreation hall of the Salesian Sport Club in Green Point which was available to the club, for many years, free of charge.
In November 1966 membership fees were increased from the original R3.00 per annum to R7.00 which included a metal car badge.
The first Concourse d’Elegance was held at Zandvlei, Muizenberg on the 19th of January 1967 and became an annual event.
Valvoline donated a trophy as well as cans of oil for prizes.
The club’s membership grew gradually and in 1967/68 no less than 25 new members entered. In 1972 membership countrywide, including Namibia and Zimbabwe, rose to 70.
In April 1969, the Borgward agents, Vanroux Motors in Johannesburg was sold and all Borgward spares were taken over by Clows BMC. A decision was taken that the club should build up its own supplies of spares.
After telephonic negotiations with the new owners, a few representatives left for Johannesburg in an Isabella to finalize the transaction.
The club did not have any storage facilities and parts were kept at the secretary’s home.
In September 1972 a 1958 Isabella was purchased and modified by Robert Schepel for Stock Car races which was organized by the Somerset West “racing devils”. Robert was unanimously elected as driver for the club and during the first event he won first, second and third places in three races.
Private Borgward entries included:
Johannes Ellis - 1956 Hansa 1500
Graham Davies - 1958 Isabella – with Volvo engine
John Falconer - Isabella Combi
Ken Chatterley - Isabella Combi
Everyone did very well and many victories were gained over competitors such as Alpha Romeo, Opel, Cortina, Peugeot, Anglia, Mazda, etc.
The season closed on a high note with Robert Schepel in second place overall.
In October 1974 one of the club’s members, Herman Engelbrecht moved to Bloemfontein where he started the Borgward Club of the Orange Free State. This club went from strength to strength and attracted 41 members within two years, Close co-operation between the two clubs increased the circle of friends and to avoid duplication, the same badges were used.
In 1976 the Lions Club of Parow and Brackenfell invited the club to enter for the “Wheels 76” motorshow which was held at the Goodwoord Show Grounds. The Borgwards drew a lot of attention at the show and was regularly invited to similar shows in the years that followed.
Another milestone was the first publication of newsletters in booklet format in April 1979. It was a vast improvement on previous newsletters. Louis van Jaarsveld was elected as editor.
In 1980 the Club started to build up a reputation for quality restoration after Graham Davies’s Isabella Coupe won a trophy for the “best restored vehicle” at a multi-club braai. In the same year the Club won second prize for its exhibition at the “Fancy Wheels” motor show.
In order for members of both clubs to meet, a national jamboree was arranged at the Hendrik Verwoerd Dam (Gariep Dam) over the Easter weekend of 1982. A joint Concourse d’Elegance and meeting was arranged with the well known motor historian and Borgward friend, Fred Schnetler as co-ordinator. It was a great success with media coverage by S.A.T.V. It was decided to arrange a similar event every two years.
In 1986 the National Concourse d’Elegance at Gariep Dam was attended by Mr. Klaus Walter, a member from the Borgward Interessengemeinschaft Germany.
Gedurend die nasionale saamtrek by Gariep in 1996, was die gebeure op film vasgelê en later op die televisieprogram “Drive Out” uitgesaai.
Die jaar 2000 was ook ‘n spesiale jaar by Gariep toe ‘n groep Duitse Borgward eienaars en entoesiaste by ons aangesluit het.
Met die Klub se 40ste herdenking het die Suidelike Streek ‘n spesiale dinee in die Paarl aangebied vir die lede. Mev Hannatjie du Toit, weduwee van Dr Danie du Toit, het ook die verrigtinge bygewoon. Dr. Danie du Toit was voorsitter van die Suidelike Streek van 1982 tot 1992.
Deur die jare het die Borgwardklub aan verskeie motorskoue in Suid Afrika deel geneem waar hierdie pragtige motors ten toon gestel is. Soos verwag kan word lok die motors altyd baie belangstelling uit.
Looking at the club’s membership of 105 country wide and the fact that it extends internationally, we can assume that Borgward will still been seen well into the future.
Whatever has been achieved has been in honor of the man from whom we draw our inspiration – Dr. Carl F W Borgward – he strived to build the “ideal car” and probably came close to his dream car with the legendary “Isabella” – much closer than any of his competitors.
Borgwards het n manier om mense te kies wat met toewyding en groot verantwoordelikheid hul motors bewaar en du sons leuse “Adperfectionem” – ‘n strewe na volmaaktheid, uitleef. @ 2025 | Sign In to Edit this Site | Proudly Hosted by Option C |